By Union of Excellence, Feb 02, 2021
Olivier Paul Philippe
Screenwriter/ Director/ Chief Operator and Producer
Film Industry, France
With more than twenty different productions, broadcast on the main French channels, Olivier Paul Philippe is now the reference when a big brand seeks to communicate differently on television.
"The lethal weapon". This is how Olivier Paul Philippe summarizes these new ultra short TV programs that the brands of the biggest companies are now snapping up. The principle? Any kind of TV show, but short! The Bonzaï method, applied on TV shows and with the right sponsor! The director, used to work with the biggest, especially in the luxury sector, has just shot a new series with the French super chef Cyril Lignac. In a studio for this time, but it can also be produced halfway around the world like he did a few months ago in Israel with the same Chef. “It could be about cooking, travel, sports performance or real estate, it doesn't matter, as long as there is information and entertainment to provide, there is a dazzeling show to invent!" Olivier P. Philippe, who produces all types of programs for television and brands, has been developing for ten years now these very short, and very powerful clips, which replace classic advertising to the delight of major companies.
"Many brands find more efficient to pay for real programs than to invest in a unique commercial that will run on repeat! ", explains Olivier Paul Philippe, now the greatest specialists in these ultra-impactful mini-series. "The short program is the only way for brands to distinguish themselves, to deepen their subject matter and never tire of their clients" continues the french director.
Indeed, in a few years, Olivier P. Philippe has designed tailor-made programs for brands such as DIOR, BNP-PARIBAS, EDF, SANDRO, CENTURY 21, DUCROS or VAHINE.
For VAHINE, famous producer of pastry products, the director even conceived a mini sit-com whose intrigues and family stories, treated in the tone of comedy, in the kitchen. Very useful for highlighting the brand's products... A more complex job than it seems because the mini show has to last one minute maximum. “The challenge, explains Olivier P. Philippe, is to be informative, entertaining and to provide a subtle but obvious link to the advertiser in just 60sec. Everything must be thought out, written, even storyboarded in advance even in a "report-style". A permanent challenge that Olivier P. Philipe enjoys and will soon test in the US who seem interested in the famous knack of the French director ...
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8980193/
Website: https://www.olivierpaulphilippe.com/
Pictures & Permission: © Olivier Paul Philippe